Unite – “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John R. Wooden
You can always do something. Life Matters Now seeks to bring communities together by holding weekly, bi-weekly or monthly meetings that will educate, encourage and mobilize people to stand for LIFE issues. We believe people want to do something positive to help their communities.


Educate – “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin. Life Matters Now believes that people are actually more prolife than they think or believe. As we educate people on the science of children in the womb, as we educate people on the history and laws of our country, as we educate people on real life stories about abortion survivors and those who had or performed abortions, people begin to realize that they don’t really hold a pro-choice view at all. Education is key to help end addictions, to improve adoption access and to better understand suicide and its solution. LMN seeks to educate people in order to save lives from being devalued and destroyed. Working together with other prolife groups and with other communities will enable us to have a unified front in the most important battle we face in our country.

Promote– “The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.” Bill Bernbach
Life Matters Now would like to sponsor short national TV ads that will utilize people from each of the seven spheres of influence and who will bring very short poignant messages on each of the four life issues. We hope to be able to have a billboard in every county and a strong social media presence.

Healing – A great deal of harm has been done to women, men, and children by abortion, addictions and suicide. By having county chapters of life-loving and life-affirming people, who regularly gather, we will have a network of well trained, united people on the front-lines who can reach the vulnerable and provide help before too much damage is done. By belonging, learning, and connecting, we will save and improve live; bringing our country one step closer to being a nation that cherishes all human lives.



LMN unite and ignite individuals and prolife organizations by forming LMN chapters in every county of the United States.


LMN hears, lives, and tells the truth, by providing life testimonies and education about life issues at regulars meetings, sponsoring four community life events each year, and supporting a practical media presence by promoting a web-site, advertising and social media.


LMN brings a culture of life by connecting with, and focusing on, seven spheres of influence in regular meetings, community events, and in its media presence. LMN connects those in need to those who can help meet those needs.


LMN supports pro-life institutions, businesses or individuals as they seek to save lives from abortion, addiction, suicide and euthanasia


LMN seeks to offer hope and healing to those who are pregnant, affected by abortion, dealing with suicide, addiction or loneliness.